In TV fantasy land one of the most popular shows is the Walking Dead, a continuing drama about dead people walking around as zombies. In real-life America, there’s no such thing as dead people walking around as zombies, but there is such a thing as alive people walking around with the dead inside of them, and lawyers transformed into doctors with no medical training deciding if the alive walking with the dead inside them get to live or die!!!
The concepts of civil rights, human rights, voting rights, federal rights, and state rights have all been turned upside down since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade in June of this year. The Supreme Court’s decision to strip American citizens of a right upset a health-religion-law balance that successfully existed for 49 years. It was an abortion democracy balance that allowed every American to follow their own set of moral values, religious beliefs, and medical decisions.
When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and stripped Americans of a right exercised for the last 49 years, it changed the abortion democracy balance to an abortion autocracy balance forcing the majority of Americans to follow someone else’s moral values, religious beliefs, and medical decisions when it came to deciding on an abortion procedure, not their own.
The Supreme Court’s new abortion autocracy not only takes control over a woman’s body from women and gives it to state politicians, but it also takes away medical decisions about abortion procedures from doctors and gives the medical authority to lawyers, transforming people who only have law degrees into doctors with no medical degrees. A pregnant 19-year-old South Carolina female is a textbook example of the abortion autocracy created by the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade.
Her water prematurely broke at 15 weeks, she went to a hospital’s emergency room for advice and treatment. 2 months ago before abortion democracy became abortion autocracy, the hospital’s doctors would have advised the 19-year-old that since the underdeveloped fetus would not survive, it must be aborted and removed from her body immediately to avoid medical complications for the 19-year-old.
Now that the Supreme Court has created abortion autocracy in America, a doctor’s medical knowledge is replaced by a lawyer’s legal opinion when deciding if an abortion procedure is possible or required. In this South Carolina case, the hospital’s lawyers made a no-abortion decision, not the 19-year-old and not her doctors.

Nancy Davis is a pregnant Louisiana woman faced with either carrying a skull-less fetus to term – for the baby to probably die within hours of birth – or traveling several states away to obtain an abortion
The attorneys informed the doctors that because the dying fetus still had a heartbeat, according to South Carolina’s fetal heartbeat law the doctors could not remove the dying fetus regardless of their medical training telling them to do so, or because of any potential negative health consequences to the 19-year-old, as a result of having to walk around with a dying fetus within her body. So based solely on the decision of the hospital’s lawyers, the doctors’ only choices were to either admit the 19-year-old until the fetal heartbeat stopped or discharge her, but no abortion was possible for any reason.
The autocratic no-abortion possible decision upset one of the hospital’s doctors so much that they reached out to Republican South Carolina State Representative Neal Collins, one of the politicians who voted for the law that allows lawyers and state politicians to take control over all bodies of South Carolina’s females. To Collins’s credit he responded by doing something rarely done by politicians Republican or Democrat, he publically admitted that he was wrong to vote for the heartbeat law.
Collins’s brave admission of regret was made to South Carolina’s House Judiciary Committee, as they were considering a new anti-abortion law that would prevent all abortions with no exceptions for rape or the life of the mother. Holding back tears and explaining he had lost sleep over his previous vote for the heartbeat bill Collins said:
“First, she’s going to pass this fetus in the toilet”, Collins said. “She’s going to have to deal with that on her own.” He added that a doctor told him that there was a “greater than 50 percent chance that she’s going to lose her uterus” and “there’s a 10 percent chance that she will develop sepsis and herself die.” “That weighs on me”, Collins added. “I voted for that bill. These are affecting people.” Collins concluded his admission by saying he would not vote for the new anti-abortion law.
Take a look at a political rarity in the video above, South Carolina State Representative Neal Collins admitting he made a mistake to vote against allowing abortion procedures in South Carolina
The 19-year-old’s case has a glad and sad ending. Glad because 2 weeks after being discharged with no abortion possible, the dying fetus’s heart stopped beating, fortunately with no health complications to the 19-year-old, allowing her to return to the hospital for its removal. Sad because even with Collins’s brave admission and 5 of his fellow Republicans abstaining, South Carolina’s House Judiciary Committee voted to approve the new no exceptions abortion ban. It’s abortion autocracy that won’t be confined to just South Carolina.
When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade it decided that abortion democracy was unconstitutional and that state rights abortion autocracy was constitutional. Meaning states are free to ban abortions. Next year after the Supreme Court hears Moore v. Harper it will decide that ideological autocracy based on the rule of state rights is constitutional. Which will mean that state legislatures can create laws without consideration of their state constitution or regulation by their state courts. And based on the same conservative ideology, if and when the U.S. House and Senate create a federal law allowing abortion in America, the Supreme Court will decide it is unconstitutional.
Therefore the only way to restore abortion rights and preserve other constitutional rights, rights Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has already signaled he wants to abolish, the Supreme Court must be cured of the ideological cancer that’s currently infecting it. As with biological cancer, the number one remedy for eliminating ideological cancer is to immediately remove it from the environment. Biological cancer is removed with medical surgery, the ideological cancer present on the U.S. Supreme Court must be removed immediately by the House and Senate executing what some refer to as the Ike-Plan.
The Ike-Plan is a new law passed by the U.S. House and Senate, which requires the President to decide, without a consent vote of the Senate, whether to reappoint or not reappoint each Supreme Court Justice at every 10th-year interval of their service on the Supreme Court. Once reappointed they would serve another 10 years and have to be reappointed or not reappointed again at the next 10th-year interval. If a President decides not to reappoint, the replacement Supreme Court Justice would go through the traditional Senate confirmation process.

It’s cancerous thinking like this that will cause the current rule of ideology Supreme Court to decide that any new federal law passed by the U.S. House and Senate allowing abortion is unconstitutional
No more than 3 justices or one-third of the 9 Justices could be replaced at the same time. The first day the Ike-Plan goes into effect the President could immediately replace any 3 current Supreme Court Justices that have served 10 years or more. If the Ike-Plan is the first new law passed in January 2023 by the House and Senate, the existing ideological cancer on the Supreme Court could be removed ahead of any new decisions to abolish or overturn additional constitutional rights, or rule an abortion rights law codified by the House and Senate unconstitutional, and before the Supreme Court’s normal June –July time frame of releasing decisions to the public.
The Supreme Court’s rule of ideology decision overturning Roe v Wade has certainly changed the political landscape. But merely voting for Congresspersons and Senators who will pass a new federal abortion law will not stand the test of time, as long as the current rule of ideology Supreme Court exists. The rule of state rights ideology has already justified 2 contradictory Supreme Court decisions a couple of months ago.
In New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, the Supreme Court decided that a state does not have the power to stop a woman from carrying a gun on her body if she decides to, but the next day in Dobbs v Jackson, it decided a state does have the power to stop a woman from aborting a fetus in her body if she decides to. In the future, the rule of state rights ideology will justify a Supreme Court decision that any abortion rights codified into federal law by the U.S. House and Senate are unconstitutional. Because based on state rights ideology abortion is a right that only states can grant.
As mentioned earlier Supreme Court state rights ideology leader, Justice Clarence Thomas, officially stated in the Dobbs decision that overturning Roe was only a start, access to birth control and same-sex marriage should also be on the chopping block. If no changes are made to the Supreme Court its ideological cancer will continue to erode democracy and constitutional rights in America. The 2 most popular Supreme Court legislative reforms of adding justices to the court or 18–year term limits for justices don’t remove ideological cancer they accommodate it and allow the cancer of ideology to live on for 18 years!!!
No responsible doctor would recommend treating your lungs with cancer prevention drugs while allowing existing cancer in your liver to remain there untreated or unremoved. Ideological cancer like biological cancer must be cut out immediately before it metastasizes. The immediate way to cut out the Supreme Court’s ideological cancer and prevent it from metastasizing to a codified U.S. House and Senate abortion rights bill, voting rights, same-sex marriage, and access to birth control is the January 2023 House and Senate passage of the Ike-Plan.