Age and an unpopular Vice President were thought to be President Biden’s greatest obstacles to a 2024 reelection, both those obstacles are now being replaced by a greater obstacle, an obstacle that President Biden is running out of excuses to justify his actions, running out of press leaks to spin his actions, and running out of time to change his actions.
Since Joe Biden was the oldest person in American history to be elected President his age will be a consistent negative or positive reelection issue, and since Vice President Kamala Harris’s favorability numbers have improved she is no longer a threatening reelection issue, but now something more lethal to President Biden’s reelection chances has emerged, because unlike Biden’s age or Harris’s popularity, this issue is one that makes a strong difference among President Biden’s election base voters, a strong difference that President Biden appears to be on the wrong side of.

Thousands of Biden’s base voters gather outside the White House during the National March on Washington for Palestine while calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas on November 4, 2023 in Washington, DC.
Unfortunately for President Biden just as he is entering his reelection cycle Hamas brutally attacked Israel on October 7, 2023, killing, mutilating, or raping over 1,000 people in Israel, some of whom were American. President Biden’s initial reaction of 100% emotional and military support for Israel’s defense was applauded by his base of American Black voters and American 18-34 aged voters. But now according to the Gaza Health Ministry over 29,000 Palestinians, two-thirds of whom are women and children, have been killed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) causing American Black voters and American 18- 34 voters to feel that Israel’s war of defense against Hamas has degenerated to Israel’s war of genocide against the Palestinian people.
The proven FACT that people of the Jewish faith have suffered over 1,000 years of international murder and persecution, and on October 7 Israel suffered the most horrendous genocide against Jewish people since the Holocaust, justifies President Biden’s unwavering support for the defense of Israel. It also justifies America’s unwavering economic and military aid to Israel. What 1,000 years of international murder and persecution and October 7 don’t justify is President Biden’s and America’s unwavering support that enables Israel to kill all Palestinian people with the hope of killing a Hamas terrorist that MIGHT exist among them.
A bedrock principle of American democracy criminal law is it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer, meaning the priority is to protect the innocent even at the possibility of the guilty escaping punishment. The complete opposite is taking place in Gaza, Israel’s war of retaliation against Hamas for killing, torturing, and raping innocent Jews has degenerated into a war of paranoid revenge against anyone who lives in Gaza who is not Jewish. The IDF is killing, starving, and denying access to medical care to anyone living in Gaza, mostly women and children, with the goal of eliminating non-Jews THOUGHT to be Hamas terrorists but not verified to be Hamas terrorists, even at the possibility of innocent Islamic and Christian Palestinians who have committed no crime against Israel being murdered, starved to death, and denied access to medical care.
President Biden justifies his unwavering economic and military support for Ukraine’s war to defend itself against Russia’s invasion, as America is supporting the existence of democracy in Europe and defeating and preventing the spread of autocracy in Europe. The same democracy reason that justifies support for the Ukraine War justifies no longer supporting or enabling Israel’s Hamas War. There has never been any existence of democracy in Israel’s occupation of Gaza or the West Bank and now there is no democracy in how Israel is conducting its Hamas War. Israel’s 57-year occupation of Gaza and the West Bank has created apartheid autocracy and now its defensive war against Hamas terrorists has degenerated into a genocidal war against all Palestinians in Gaza, terrorist or not.
America and President Biden MUST always provide unwavering support for the existence and defense of Israel, but enabling Israel to maintain apartheid autocracy in Gaza and the West Bank, and conduct genocidal war on any Palestinian who happens to be in or near war zones in Gaza, is not defending Israel or supporting its right to exist in peace if anything, it is harming Israel’s right to exist and live in peace.
President Biden has run out of the 1,000 years of factual international persecution and murder of Jews and the unjustified most-brutal-attack-on-Jewish-people-since-the-Holocaust October 7 attack on Israel justification, for America continuing to enable Israel to conduct genocidal war in Gaza, and for America continuing to enable Israel to deny non-Jewish people living in Gaza and the West Bank the right of self-determination, simply because Israel has fear, not proof, that Israel’s right to exist and live in peace will not be abided by any non-Jews living next door to them.

President Biden has run out of reelection time to issue warnings to Israel, Biden’s base voters are demanding that he immediately stop enabling Israel to kill innocent Palestinians
President Biden’s 18-34 base voters see the bias and illogic of what they consider a Biden contradiction, his willingness to give economic and military aid to Ukraine to defeat Russian autocracy and Russian genocidal war in Ukraine, while at the same time his willingness to give economic and military aid to Israel to promote Israeli autocracy in Gaza and the West Bank, and Israeli genocidal war in Gaza. So although it’s doubtful they will vote for Donald Trump, they also might not vote for Biden, or they might vote for Robert Bobby Kennedy Jr., unfortunately for Biden 18-34 voters, not voting for anyone or voting for Bobby Kennedy is a no-vote or a Kennedy vote that benefits Trump and not Biden.
President Biden’s American Black base voters, having an ancestry which includes autocracy, enslavement, and genocide, have great empathy for defending Israel’s peaceful existence and support 100% all efforts to defeat the anti-Semitism Jewish people live with 24/7, but they also feel negative emotions towards what they too consider a Biden Israel policy that contradicts American democracy principles of life, liberty, self-determination, one-person-one-vote-counted, and the freedom to pursue life happiness. They definitely won’t vote for Trump, they might consider but probably won’t end up voting for Bobby Kennedy, which means they might choose not to vote for anyone running for President, or worse they might choose not to show up to vote at all, none of these scenarios help Biden but they all help Trump.

During a speech before the United Nations General Assembly on September 22, 2023, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds up a map that shows Israel stretching “from the river to the sea.”
(Spencer Platt / Getty Images)
Last but certainly not least, President Biden’s reelection is threatened because the odds have increased that he might lose Michigan, a state Biden barely won by 2% with only 154,188 more votes than Trump in 2020, a state he cannot lose in 2024 and still be reelected President. Michigan is home to a large population of 241,828 Muslims that not only resent the contradiction of Biden’s Israel policy, they are also bothered by what they consider to be a faux pa committed by House Democrats.
Last November 22 House Democrats joined a unanimous 212 House Republicans to censure Democrat Rashida Tlaib of Michigan (the only Palestinian serving in Congress), primarily for using the phrase “from the river to the sea”, considered by some Jews as an anti-Semitic phrase calling for the elimination of the state of Israel when used by non-Jews, but considered by other Jews to be a pro-Semitic phrase calling for Jewish state sovereignty over all land from the river to the sea when it’s used by other Jews. According to Congresswoman Tlaib when she says “from the river to the sea” she means it as “an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence (with Israel), not death, destruction, or hate (to Israel)”. According to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he used the same phrase a month ago he meant, and when his political party Likud used it as their 1977 party platform they meant, there would be no coexistence with a Palestinian state only Israeli sovereignty from the river Jordan to the sea.
This contradiction raises the legitimate question in the minds of Michigan Muslims: Why does Congresswoman Tlaib get a House censure from Democrats for using the phrase from the river to the sea as a democratic expression of coexistence with Israel, but Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his far-right wing government, get economic and military aid from House Democrats for using the same phrase as an autocratic expression of no-coexistence with a state of Palestine? That question was raised and Muslim frustration with Biden’s Israel policy was expressed, with over 100,000 Muslims voting uncommitted Tuesday night in Michigan’s Democrat primary.
Having unnamed senior Biden administration officials execute background press leaks about how frustrated the President is with the way Israel is conducting its Gaza war, or having Biden himself say to the media that Israel’s Gaza war is “over the top” will no longer work because time has run out for words. 18-34 Biden voters, American Black Biden voters, and Michigan’s Muslim Biden voters know that Israel cannot conduct an offensive war against anyone for longer than a week without direct American economic and military aid.
However there is still time left for President Biden to reverse his blank vote or vote for Bobby Kennedy on Election Day future, among a large portion of his base voters, but he must take immediate action by cutting off the flow of offensive weapons, like the bombs the IDF uses to destroy buildings in Gaza, to Israel while continuing to supply the flow of defensive weapons, like the Iron Dome missile air defense system, which intercepts over 90% of all enemy rocket fire on Israel.

This vicious cycle will continue until President Biden cuts off the supply of offensive weapons to Israel and demands that Israel recognize Palestinians right of self-determination
President Biden’s unhappy base voters realize that if he cuts off the flow of offensive weapons, it will force Israel to either cease-fire in Gaza or find another country that will give it the necessary economic and military aid to continue it. That’s why his words of condemnation on how Israel is conducting its Gaza war ring hollow and in some cases offend them, Biden can’t condemn a war with one hand but enable the same war with the other hand, and then think his base voters are too stupid to recognize what he is doing. President Biden has said on many occasions that there is nothing America can’t do if we are united, now is the time for President Biden to unite with his base voters to end Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza, to defend the state of Israel’s right to exist in peace, to create an independent democratic state of Palestine and most importantly to save his chances for reelection.