In America today there is record low unemployment, inflation is consistently lowering, the stock market is booming, and relaxation from mandatory COVID-19 virus protocols has been in effect for over a year, and yet a majority of American Whites think America is on the wrong track and, either are voting for Donald Trump, not happy to reelect or refuse to reelect, the person most responsible for the record unemployment, the lower inflation, the booming stock market, and no more virus protocols, President Joe Biden. Many have correctly identified American White anxiety over the changing racial demographics as the reason why American Whites are reacting so strangely to such good news, in response to the anxiety Trump has wrongly offered racist politics but no one has offered the following right solution to cure American White anxiety.
As many have suggested the shifting racial demographics in America, which will change American Whites from being the majority population in America to being the largest minority population in America, is responsible for American White anxiety. Since it is difficult in America to have a non-emotional discussion on race, and because when there is a race discussion it’s always limited to the wrongs that American Whites have done to American Blacks, there is a non-racist American White anxiety over shifting racial demographics that’s never discussed, which means the American White non-racist anxiety festers and is left vulnerable to the white nationalist politics of a Donald Trump.
3 scientific studies of American Whites and Canadian Whites, a study of American Whites led by Professor Maureen Craig of Duke University, a study of American Whites led by Professor Amy Krosch of Cornell University, and a study of Canadian Whites led by Professor H. Robert Outten of Trinity College, all concluded and proved that as the white population decreases and people of color population increases it creates great anxiety among both American Whites and Canadian Whites. All 3 studies show that the anxiety is not the traditional racial prejudice, of whites fearing the end of society because inferior or sub-human people of color are the majority population, the 2 American studies reveal that the American White anxiety is over how a new people of color majority in America will racially treat an American White minority population.
Considering the past American history of the American White majority enslaving the American Black minority, of an American White majority paying Chinese immigrant minority workers less than American White laborers in 1863 to build the transcontinental railroad and making the Chinese immigrants sleep in tents while providing train cars for American White workers to sleep in, of the American White majority locking up 120,000 American Japanese minority citizens in concentration camps during World War 2 simply because of their Japanese ancestry, of many American Jewish minorities having to change their Jewish sounding surname to avoid religious persecution and discrimination by the American White Christian majority, and the current history of conversations over whether reparations should be granted to American Blacks for slavery and past racial discrimination, it makes logical non-racist sense that there would be American White anxiety over how losing majority population status would impact them as a race and as individuals.
In Professor Craig’s study, she had a group of American White participants read a summary from the U.S. Census Bureau projecting that American Whites would soon become a minority population. After reading this the group showed a greater preference for their racial group, responding positively to statements like “I would rather work alongside people of my same ethnic origin”, and they felt less warm feelings toward other races.
According to Craig, the results suggest that “a sense of a zero-sum competition between groups is activated,” when people hear about the rise of one group, they automatically fear it will mean a decline in their own. Craig found that exposure to the census report caused American Whites to be more politically conservative on a variety of policies like affirmative action, immigration, defense spending, and health care reform. But most importantly Craig discovered that these shifts were not just limited to American Whites who believe in white supremacy, as co-author of the study Yale psychologist Professor Jennifer Richeson says “The point is that people who think of themselves as not prejudiced and liberal demonstrate these threat effects.”
The threat effect of population change and the fear of it is why it’s no coincidence, that as the American White population is decreasing to the point that American Whites will no longer be the majority race in America, immigration policy has replaced the economy as the most important issue to American Whites. It’s also why many American Whites have become obsessed with how the history of racism in America is taught in schools. The only person speaking to American White anxiety over the population change is Donald Trump, unfortunately, he is only focused on the minority of American Whites who have racist concerns about a new people-of-color population majority in America. What he means and what racist American Whites hear, when Trump says “Make America great again”, is to make America a majority white race nation again where American Whites remain in control.

Fear of retaliation is motivating some American Whites to deny and attempt to hide America’s true racial history
The majority of American Whites, who by the way voted twice for American Black Barack Obama, cringe when they hear Trump say make America great again because they understand the secret meaning of what he is saying. But the only thing they hear from Trump’s political opponents is that any American White who has anxiety over population change is having racist thoughts. They are wrong, it is not racist thoughts for an American White to wonder how they might be treated in American society when people of color, who have been treated as second-class citizens in America for over 200 years, are becoming the new majority population at the same time as the legitimate discussion in American society of what reparations, if any, for past racial discrimination inflicted on American Blacks should American society levy on itself. In other words, the majority of American Whites don’t care who is in the majority as long the new majority doesn’t use its majority status to penalize them for racist mistakes of the past.
Primarily due to current U.S. immigration law, it’s projected that by 2045 American Whites will lose majority status in America, so it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that in 2024 immigration policy is a sincere paramount election issue for American Whites. Donald Trump uses the current failures of American immigration policy to appeal to those who believe in the racist Great Replacement Theory, of allowing immigrants into America to weaken the power of white voters, and because his opponents don’t address population change at all, it guarantees Trump secret default support and votes from American Whites who don’t subscribe to the white replacement theory, but reason that they will hold their nose and accept his extreme racist protection versus having no protection at all.
Instead of President Joe Biden and Democrats only addressing the issue of racial population change in America by implying that any white anxiety over it is racist, they should offer a non-racist solution to American White anxiety over the current immigration policy. The reason why American Whites went from being 88.6% of the American population in 1960 to 60.1% in 2020 and will lose majority status by 2045, is because of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

Ethnic minorities now outnumber white children in American public schools
The 1965 law was a result of the influence of the Civil Rights Movement and former President John Kennedy, who wrote a book titled “A Nation of Immigrants” that criticized the predecessor law to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, the 1924 National Origins Act, as discriminatory because its immigration formula offered an open door to immigrants from northern and western Europe. While offering an almost closed door to immigrants from Asia, Africa, and immigrants from the same hemisphere where the United States is located.
The immigration formula of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act is responsible for creating the new future population majority in America, by intentionally allowing the largest amount of people who immigrate to America to be from countries south of America’s border. President Biden and Democrats should address American White anxiety over population change by suggesting a new floating or flexible immigration formula. The new floating formula would change periodically what percentage of immigrants from any country in the world would be allowed to immigrate to America. The new formula could create a scenario where no race or ethnicity would ever again dominate American society by exceeding a 45% population threshold, initiating a new population demographic that forces all races and ethnicities to work with each other to accomplish anything of significance in American society.
At the Conservative Political Action Conference last month Donald Trump debuted his latest appeal to the dark side, Trump said “We have languages coming into our country. We don’t have one instructor in our entire nation that can speak that language. These are languages, it’s the craziest thing, they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a very horrible thing”
Trump is trying to negatively take advantage of the fact that America has no official designated language, he is implying that since a new non-white majority population likely will speak a second language, as the new majority, they might make their non-English language the official language of America. President Biden and Democrats should affirmatively suggest that America officially designate English as America’s official national language. Designating English as the official language of America would address white anxiety by giving American Whites the legal assurance that although racial and cultural demographics in America may change, some cultural norms such as the language Americans speak would remain the same regardless of what race or ethnicity is in the majority.
The only way American democracy, as we know it today, can repel and defeat the current autocratic attempts to replace it is the non-racist American White anxiety, over whether or not population change will hurt or help American Whites, must be addressed.
Every day Donald Trump lies to American Whites about how racial population change will hurt them, and that only American autocracy will protect them since American democracy can no longer protect them. It’s time for President Joe Biden and Democrats to stop the nonsense of thinking only racists are concerned with racial majority population change in America, and start showing and telling American Whites the truth about how American democracy can and will protect American Whites regardless of what race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or political party is in the majority.
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