Post-debate the best road to reelection victory for President Joe Biden is a road that requires a painful and unmerited sacrifice, and it’s a road the Biden campaign can only take if American Blacks decide it’s okay to do so.
Post-debate questions have increased about President Biden’s current competency so a well-strategized campaign, his record of a job well done up to this point, and more unscripted occurrences like his concluding NATO press conference and his energetic Detroit, Michigan political rally, can possibly allay concerns about his current day-to-day mental acuity. But unfortunately, the debate also absolutely confirmed one fact in the mind of every American voter, Joe Biden will likely not be mentally competent for another 4 years. As awkward as this situation might appear to be for the Democrat Party this is not a first-time scenario for Democrats.
In 1944 when Franklin Roosevelt was running for a 4th term as President Democrats were satisfied with the job that he had done for 3 terms, and were of the mind to not elect a new President while America was still fighting World War 2. The problem was by 1944 everyone who had been in the physical presence of Roosevelt believed his death to be imminent, and while most did not doubt his chances of being reelected if he were reelected, no one believed he would live long enough to serve another full 4-year term as President. In President Biden’s case, post-debate no objective person can dispute the job he has done so far and no one thinks his death is imminent, but in terms of his reelection, post-debate no one believes his mental acuity will last for another 4 years. If you are a small-government conservative or Libertarian who opposes federal government regulation, that is reason enough to vote for Donald Trump.
If you are an Independent, Democrat, or swing voter who believes in a degree of federal government regulation, while the choice is not politically, racially, or sexually correct, post-debate there is only one remaining best path to victory for Biden, Democrats, Independents, and swing voters who want America to continue on the same path, it’s Biden at the top of the 2024 Democratic ticket albeit with an American Black painful and unmerited sacrifice.
In 1944 Roosevelt’s sacrificial lamb was his then-Vice President Henry Wallace, who was thought to be too much of a communist sympathizer by powerful Democrat Party leaders to succeed Roosevelt upon his certain death within 4 years, so they replaced Wallace with the man who did replace a deceased Roosevelt less than year after he was reelected in 1944, Harry S. Truman. In 2024 post-debate, the best sacrificial lamb that can make a Biden victory a reality is Vice President Kamala Harris, due to no fault of her own. In 1944 the problem was with the political ideology of Henry Wallace, in 2024 the problem is less about Vice President Harris, who has stepped up and done a stellar job as Vice President, and more about how much longer will President Biden’s mental acuity last.
Post-debate President Biden’s good job performance statistics speak truthfully for themselves on the question of his current mental acuity, no President with Biden’s record-breaking job creation, lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, record-breaking stock market, bi-partisan massive infrastructure legislation, consistency in bringing down inflation and as last week’s NATO conference in America’s capitol displayed, restored America’s creditability internationally as the world’s leader, could be currently mentally incompetent. Unfortunately for America and President Biden, the good job performance stats can’t speak truthfully to when President Biden’s mental acuity will cease to exist, leaving objective non-politically biased Americans to speculate post-debate, based on their personal experience and knowledge, that at age 81 loss of Biden’s mental acuity could kick in at any point in the future with no warning.
Questions surrounding President Biden’s mental acuity raise 2 issues with easy answers. Issue 1 what happens when President Biden’s mental acuity fails? If President Biden does not resign on his own the 25th Amendment to the American Constitution kicks in and the president is removed from office. Issue 2 who will replace President Biden when his mental acuity is gone? The American Constitution dictates that President Biden be replaced by Vice President Harris, therein lies the ultimate problem that questions about President Biden’s mental acuity create.
For reasons ranging from legitimate political ideological differences, haven’t taken the time to know her, illegitimate political bias, sexism, racism, to I just don’t like the way she laughs, there is not a sufficient amount of independent and swing voters who are comfortable with Vice President Harris stepping in to replace a removed or resigned Joe Biden, that are willing to vote for the Biden/Harris ticket in a national election that will be a historic first, where independent and swing voters will vote to reelect or not reelect President Biden based on who is running to be his Vice President. Because even among those who don’t question President Biden’s current mental acuity, hardly any American believes Biden’s mental acuity will last for another entire 4-year term, in other words, in the voter’s mind whoever is voted in as Joe Biden’s Vice President in 2024 will certainly become President before the next election in 2028.
Even though the first responsibility of any Vice President is to sacrifice their personal political ambition and bend to the will and any legal request that their President-boss may make, Vice President Harris, America’s first female Vice President, and America’s first American Black Vice President, being President Biden’s, the Democrat Party’s, American Blacks, Independents, and swing voters sacrificial lamb to reelect Biden is a decision only American Blacks and Kamala Harris can suggest, request, or determine. This cannot be a suggestion or request from President Biden to Vice President Harris, it cannot be a suggestion or request from the Democrat Party to Vice President Harris it can only be a decision made by Vice President Harris and American Blacks.
If Vice President Harris and American Blacks were to determine that her and their sacrifice are necessary to save the Biden presidency, President Biden and the Democrat Party must avoid a divisive heir-to-leadership competition, replacing Vice President Harris cannot be perceived as anointing or giving any Democrat an advantage in succeeding President Biden in 2028 or succeeding him as leader of the Democrat Party. Vice President Harris’s replacement must publicly pledge to be a JUST IN CASE Vice President, with no intention of running for reelection as President if they have to replace Biden before his 4-year term expires, and with no intention of running for President if and after Biden completes his 4-year term.
There are 2 Democrats that no objective thinking American voter could question their experience, knowledge, and ability to serve as a just in case Vice President who might need to elevate to President to replace an ailing President, and who are creditable enough to make the pledge of being a just-in-case Vice President with no future intention of seeking to be elected President in 2028. Those 2 Democrats are former Vice President Al Gore and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, since Hillary Clinton recently chose sides against a popular liberal-wing incumbent that lost in a Democrat Party primary, selecting Gore as Vice President Harris’s replacement might be the best choice for Democrat Party unity.

Al Gore and Hillary Clinton are 2 seasoned Democrats who can be trusted to run the country in a time of need and trusted not to seek to be elected President in 2028. Credit: TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images)
Replacing Vice President Harris with Gore or Clinton under the condition they agree to not seek election as President in 2028, avoids a potentially divisive Democrat Party leadership competition less than 4 months before the 2024 election, and it will allow a former Vice President Harris to preserve her well-earned and well-deserved status as the front runner for the 2028 Democrat Party presidential nomination. In 1944 it was helpful, but by no means necessary, to Roosevelt and the Democrat Party that Henry Wallace offered no public opposition to being replaced as Vice President, and he demonstrated his support by agreeing to serve as Secretary of Commerce after Roosevelt’s 1944 reelection.
While it would not be necessary for Vice President Harris to agree to serve in the cabinet of a reelected Biden, it’s very necessary that she be seen as a willing advocate of being replaced by Gore or Clinton, unlike Wallace in 1944 Vice President Harris has a large base of Democrat Party voters loyal to her. The only way to ensure American Black turn-out-to-vote numbers are at least equal to 2020 election numbers, Vice President Harris must be perceived as enthusiastically endorsing her replacement. If she were to make this huge personal sacrifice a reelected President Biden and the Democrat Party should forever be in debt to Kamala Harris.
For some American Blacks sacrificing the first black vice president understandably might be a bridge too far, they should remind themselves that in 2024 the time is over for electing people who look like you, now is the time to elect people who think like you do. So the question for American Blacks is, is it better to suffer the spiritual blow of sacrificing Vice President Harris, a sacrifice which will never change the historical fact that the first woman to serve as the second most powerful person in the world was an American Black female, and run 2 American White people for reelection who think like American Blacks and will continue to enact policies that reflect how American Blacks think, or run an American White and an American Black who have less of a chance of defeating the person running who most American Blacks feel like does not think as they do?
Rightly and I think wrongly there are too many independent and swing voters that doubt Vice President Harris’s abilities to be President. That’s the sensitive elephant in the room, if there were no questions about Vice President Harris’s abilities, the concern about how long President Biden’s mental acuity would last would be muted, and the independent/swing voter mindset on November 5, 2024, would be Old Joe has produced but he probably can’t continue to produce for 4 more years, which is okay because when he has to resign America will still be in safe hands under Al Gore or Hillary Clinton.
Out of genuine respect for what Kamala Harris represents, Democrat Party politicians politically correct words spoken out loud reflect questions about President Biden’s current day-to-day competence, but based on Biden’s current actual day-to-day mental endurance, the true unspoken politically incorrect meaning of those words is what happens when President Biden truly loses mental acuity because we doubt the first female Vice President’s ability to lead. Apparently, all the Democrat Party politicians who have called for Biden to step aside are either aware or agree with this unspoken sentiment, because very few if any have suggested that Harris step up to replace Biden.
Since Henry Wallace eventually ran for President in 1947 against the person who replaced him as Vice President, Harry Truman, I assume in 1944 he put his political ambitions aside and concluded it was in the best interest of America, and more important to American and world democracies that Franklin Roosevelt be reelected President than it was for Henry Wallace to be reelected as Vice President. In that vein, I would remind Vice President Kamala Harris that in the past when she put country and Democrat Party first she politically benefitted. In the 2020 Democrat Party primary for president, she withdrew before the Iowa caucuses, having won no delegates to the Democrat Party convention to leverage for her political gain, yet she still wound up as the Democrat Party nominee for Vice President and the first female to become the second most powerful person in the world.
It would be very appropriate and politically fair if Vice President Harris makes the ultimate sacrifice, by joining the put-country-first ranks of former Supreme Court Justice Steven Breyer, who declared in 2022 that although he was still capable of performing the task of a Justice, he would allow himself to be replaced so that the Supreme Court he knew had a chance to survive, that she be officially acknowledged by the Democrat Party as the front runner for its 2028 presidential nomination. This in no way would guarantee she would be the 2028 Democrat Party nominee after Democrats vote in the 2028 primaries, but it would guarantee that initially, she would have the same resources to run for the nomination that she would have had she been running as the sitting Vice President.
Post-debate a fact was established in the mind of every American voter, Joe Biden’s mental acuity likely will not last for another 4 years. American Blacks and Vice President Harris have to face the ramifications of what that established fact means in the minds of way too many independent and swing voters. It means whether or not they like what they hear from, what they hear about, or how they personally feel about former President Donald Trump, independent and swing voters know what to expect so therefore like him or not they know what they are getting for the next 4 years if they vote for him.
Unfortunately for Biden’s reelection chances, it also means that because independent and swing voters don’t know exactly when in the next 4 years President Biden will actually lose mental acuity, and they have questions about Vice President Harris’s abilities, so therefore like them or not they feel they don’t know what they are getting for the next 4 years if they vote for Biden/Harris. American Blacks and Vice President Harris must face the fact that people are more comfortable with the bad they know than the good they don’t know. People feel at least they have a chance to prepare, adjust, or survive the bad if they have complete knowledge of what the bad is, conversely, they feel they have none too little chance to prepare, adjust, or survive what might be good if there is uncertainty over whether or not the good will turn to bad.

No matter what happens in 2024 both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have left an everlasting mark in American history
There is no guaranteed path to victory for President Biden, and there is no guarantee that President Biden will lose with Kamala Harris running to be his Vice President in 2025. But Vice President Harris and American Blacks must face the understandably painful fact that post-debate President Biden’s best chance for reelection is for Harris to be replaced with Al Gore or Hillary Clinton. It’s the best decision for a Biden reelection that only Vice President Kamala Harris and American Blacks can decide is worth their sacrifice, GOOD LUCK to both of them as they search mind, body, and soul for the right answer!!!
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