While the rest of America and the world are focused on the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic Democrats are beginning to focus on who will be Joe Biden’s Vice President. Biden has already declared that his choice will be a woman, so now the remaining question is who is the best black or white woman to be Biden’s Vice President?
I once heard Joe Biden give a direct, honest, and wise response to the question of how he would decide who would be his Vice President. Biden said considering his age the person would have to be “capable of immediately being a President.” In other words, not just an intelligent woman, not just a popular woman, not just a gay or straight woman, not just an atheist or religious woman, and not just a black or white woman can be Biden’s Vice President.
Biden’s “capable of immediately being a President” standard means that the woman who is going to be Biden’s Vice President has to have more than intelligence, and more than just experience as an elected official. Biden’s Vice President must have actual hands-on working EXPERIENCE at the highest executive level of U.S. government authority. Based on the Biden day 1 immediately ready standard, there are only 2 women with the hands-on working experience at the highest executive level of American government authority who qualify to be Biden’s Vice President, one happens to be an American Black and one happens to be an American White. Both women also bring a crucial icing on their day 1 immediately ready work experience cakes that could be very helpful to a Biden administration, the women are:
The Day 1 Immediately Ready Black Woman
The day 1 immediately ready American Black woman who qualifies most to be Biden’s Vice President is Condoleezza Rice. Aside from Rice’s rich academic background at Stanford University, she has held top-level national security-related positions for the last 3 Republican administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. In 1986 during the Reagan administration, Rice served as special assistant to the Director of the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Based on the “immediately ready to be President” qualification standard Joe Biden has set for his Vice President Condoleezza Rice is the most qualified American black woman to be Joe Biden’s Vice President
From 1989 through March 1991, she served in President George H. W. Bush’s administration as Director, and then Senior Director, of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council, and a Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. In 2001 Rice became the first woman in American history to be appointed as the National Security Advisor, in that position she was known as President George W. Bush’s “Warrior Princess” for her strong resolve on national security issues.
Rice needed strong resolve because during her tenure as National Security Advisor the deadly 9/11 attack on America occurred. Putting Rice on the front line of 21st-century American wars against Islamic terrorism, Afghanistan, and Iraq. In 2005 Rice was promoted to U.S. Secretary of State, the highest-ranking cabinet official of the American government. Since Rice’s job responsibilities involved her working directly with 2 different presidents on highly classified military and national security issues, qualifies her as the #1 black woman to be Biden’s Vice President. She literally could hit the ground running second 1 after being sworn in as a new President of the United States.
The icing on Rice’s day 1 immediately ready cake is that she is a centrist moderate Republican not blinded by conservative ideology, who would help Biden be the bridge-building President he intends to be by reaching across the aisle to Republican Congresspersons and Senators for consensus where possible.
The Day 1 Immediately Ready White Woman
The most qualified white or black, old or young, Republican, Democrat, Independent, gay or straight woman in America to be Joe Biden’s Vice President is without a shadow of doubt Hillary Rodham Clinton. Aside from serving 8 years as a U.S. Senator and 4 years as U.S. Secretary of State, Clinton is the only person in American history that can claim to have come closest to being President without actually ever having been elected President.

Based on the “immediately ready to be President” qualification standard Joe Biden has set for his Vice President Hillary Clinton is the most qualified American white woman to be Joe Biden’s Vice President
During his first campaign for President in 1992, Bill Clinton declared that voters who voted for him would be getting 2 Presidents “for the price of one.” Former President Bill Clinton was true to his word, Hillary Clinton not only got the after-work at home pillow talk all First Ladies get. She was also at work with President Clinton in the West Wing working as an equal partner involved in the day-to-day minute-to-minute operations of the American government.
Hillary Clinton’s partnership in her husband’s presidency was so complete, that it made the historic working partnership Eleanor Roosevelt had with her husband President Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency look like a college internship. Hillary Clinton truly was a Co-President. To claim she is a day 1 immediately ready woman is an understatement. Hillary Clinton is the best and most qualified woman to be Biden’s Vice President because she is the day 1 ALREADY DONE THE JOB woman!!!
Clinton’s icing is the symbolic F you middle finger to the face of Vladimir Putin and Russia that she represents for their interference in the 2016 election. Joe Biden should announce at the time he names Clinton as his Vice President that ALL things at the presidential level relating to Russia will be done through and by Clinton. This would be retaliation for Russia’s 2016 election interference and to send a message to Putin, Russia, and everyone else not to mess with U.S. elections. Biden would also pledge not to conduct any meetings with any Russian officials during his first term. Any negotiations on things such as the New START treaty would be conducted by Vice President Clinton.
As the President, Biden would approve and supervise all Russian strategy and any plan of action. But his only physical presence related to Russia would be to sign in private Russia related documents, agreements, treaties or military orders that can only be made binding by the President’s signature. Any private or public meetings, any ceremonial public signings of Russia related agreements will be attended by Vice President Clinton. If Putin shows up at the White House he will only be allowed to meet with Vice President Clinton and never with President Biden during Biden’s first term in office.

This is the WET DREAM of all Democrats!!!
The highest-ranking official that Russia and Putin could deal with would be Vice President Clinton, the same person they interfered with the 2016 elections to defeat. In other words, the message to Russia would be: America will not allow you or anyone else to choose who our leaders are. If you attempt to we will thwart your efforts every time. The exact leader that you attempted to defeat, will be the exact leader you will be forced to deal with!
There are a couple of honorable mentions due here. Based on many years of service on the House Intelligence Committee and her 18 years of exposure to the highest security level of intelligence, military operations, and other vital federal government functions while serving as either the Democratic Minority Leader or Speaker of the House, definitely qualifies Nancy Pelosi to be Biden’s Vice President, but most if not all Democrats agree that she is needed more right now in her current position as the Speaker of the House.
The second honorable mention is Elizabeth Warren. Senator Warren might not be the most qualified to be Biden’s Vice President when compared to Clinton and Rice, but she appears to be the smartest woman who could be Biden’s Vice President even when compared to Clinton and Rice. This is why like Pelosi Warren would be a total waste as Biden’s Vice President, Biden needs to put Warren’s genius to work in his cabinet over the agency she created, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). He should give Warren 100% free reign to do what she knows best, protecting the American public and continuing the 11.9 billion dollars in refunds for fraud and debt relief to consumers from financial institutions started by Warren’s consumer advocacy.
The last time a vice-presidential pick made a difference in a general election was possibly John Kennedy’s pick of Lyndon Johnson in 1960. More times than not in a general election NOBODY votes for a President based on who will be elected Vice President. So traditionally vice-presidential picks have been made to unify the nominee’s political party.

Based on the “immediately ready to be President” qualification standard Joe Biden has set for his Vice President and compared to Condoleezza Rice or Hillary Clinton these great women leaders fall a little short
A unified black vote, dissatisfaction with Trump policies, and the shutdown circumstances of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic have given Joe Biden a unique opportunity. Biden’s Vice President doesn’t need to be someone who can unite the Democratic Party because the unified black votes of Democrats, President Trump, and the coronavirus already have. Biden doesn’t need to pick a Vice President based on race or gender. He can pick who he thinks he can best work with, who he thinks can best help him achieve his strategic vision for America, and most importantly because of his age, who he knows at the drop of a hat can step up IMMEDIATELY and take over on day 1 as President of the United States!!!
I’ve been hearing from many progressive Democrats that Warren is the presumptive pick for VP. If this happens, we are DOOMED and Trump is going to win. This will be a complete DISASTER. Very few Republicans or Independents in their right mind will vote for this ticket because of fear of socialism. Plus, it will not bring the Democratic Party together. However, if Condoleezza is chosen, I predict it could be a landslide for Biden because Republicans and Independents will make up for the loss of progressive Democrats.
And I thought I was the only one to think of Condi. Great choice–it does not matter that she is a Republican, now that Biden had committed to choosing a woman (something he never should have done so early).
Picking Clinton would hand the election to Trump. Her candidacy was the only reason Trump won. Any other Democrat could have beaten him.
Laura Humason
I would love Condelissa Rice as Vice President.
I think Condoleeza Rice would be a wonderful VP choice for Biden for many reasons. Republicans, Independents, and moderate Democrats could probably get behind this ticket. She’s also from the south, and we can’t have two from the same part of the country. Let’s also not forget that she was Provost of Stanford University, a job that requires enormous political skill and executive leadership.
Let’s not forget that Condoleezza Rice was Secretary of State. Nice that her academic affiliation is with Stanford, but it is her brains, hands on experience and her overall stature that wins and the reason that She would make the best pick, perhaps the only pick capable of making the Biden ticket a winner. A close second choice would be Susan Rice.
Bottom Line.
The Democratic tickets needs “Rice”!
100% on Condi. That’s a game changer for the betterment of the country.
I do think Susan Rice qualifies based on your standard, probably more than either congresswomen,