Both Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas have declared that white supremacy is the greatest domestic threat to America. Independent, moderate, and liberal politicians along with the mainstream media have declared Trumpian make America great again politics as the greatest domestic threat to America. They are all wrong, Martin Luther King Jr told America in 1963 what its greatest domestic threat was then and unfortunately, 58 years later, it has resurfaced again as America’s greatest domestic threat.
The failed January 6th coup attempt to overthrow the constitutional government and invalidate an American election by white supremacists’, confirmed their racist threat to American democracy. But truth be told white nationalists’ or white supremacists’ are only powerful enough to cause confusion, disruption, and a degree of destruction but not powerful enough to ever be America’s greatest domestic threat. The greatest domestic threat distinction lies with another group of Americans because true hardcore racists make up no more than 10-15% of American Whites. White supremacists are large enough to commit racist acts of terror but too few of the population to be the greatest domestic threat to the United States.

This white nationalist and the others like him are more of a disruptive and violent nuisance to American law and order as opposed to being the greatest domestic threat to the United States
The greatest domestic threat to America is the apathy of 60% of the remaining 90% of non-racist American Whites. They are the 60% of non-racist American Whites who witnessed the January insurrection, and who know in their hearts the unconstitutionally of laws like those recently passed in Georgia and Arizona, but their apathy allows them to sit silently on the sidelines doing nothing to overturn those laws or prevent other states from doing likewise!!! Martin Luther King Jr. encountered and acknowledged American white apathy in his 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail. Dr. King writing from his jail cell wrote,
“I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice.” He further wrote “Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”
In 1963 many non-racist American Whites were apathetic about the plight of American Blacks because they incorrectly felt the plight of American Blacks did not affect them. In 2021 60% of American Whites are apathetic about what’s happening in Georgia, Arizona, and the 40 other Republican-controlled state legislatures that have introduced 216 bills that do everything from stripping their secretaries of state, governors, and nonpartisan election boards of authority to count votes in future elections and giving that authority to state legislators who will determine whose vote will or will not be counted. Because they correctly know that the numerous vote theft attempts taking place across America do not affect them.

These are 147 Republican Senators and Congresspersons who are more committed to the rule of partisan politics than to the rule of democratic law, they are a greater domestic threat to American democracy that all the white nationalists and white supremacists combined
The apathy of 60% of American Whites is the unjustifiable reason why guaranteeing that one-person-one-vote is counted in America, might depend on reforming or eliminating the Senate filibuster. Democrats only have 50 Senators so they either need 10 additional Republican Senators to join them, or the filibuster rule preventing a vote by the 50 Democratic Senators plus 1 vote by Vice President Kamala Harris must be changed or eliminated to guarantee that one person one vote is counted in America. So far no Republican Senator will commit to guaranteeing that one-person-one-vote is counted and 2 Democrat Senators, Joe Manchin, and Kyrsten Sinema won’t support reforming or eliminating the filibuster.
The lack of support by 10 Republican Senators and the 2 Democratic Senators who so far won’t compromise on the filibuster, reflect the apathy of the 60% of American Whites who by the way all voted Republican in 2020. Since the 74,222,958 votes cast for Donald Trump in 2020 reflected growth in his popular vote count from 2016, and exit polls reflected an increase from 54% to 57% of his share of the American white vote, the 60% of apathetic American Whites do not doubt that all their votes were counted for who they voted for!!!
Trump winning the large majority of American white votes and the fact that the only votes from the 2020 election that have been repeatedly recounted, audited, or threatened with being disqualified are American Black and Brown votes cast for Democrats, explains the apathy of the 60% of American Whites who all voted for Trump. The Republican cast votes of the apathetic 60% are all counted documented and beyond reproach, only American black and brown votes cast for Democrats are threatened with disqualification. Although a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll showed that 61% of Republicans believe the election was “stolen” from Donald Trump due to illegal voting, the apathetic 60% know their votes cast for Trump are legal and beyond reproach but they doubt the legality of votes cast by people who voted for Joe Biden. This explains why the same poll showed that 58% of Republicans say they trust election officials in their Republican-controlled towns to do their vote count job honestly.

Its Republican politicians like U.S. Senator Ron Johnson who replace political facts by spreading and professing partisan political LIES that are the greatest domestic threat to America’s democracy
If one-person-one-vote-counted was ever in doubt for the apathetic 60% of American Whites the following 10 moderate Republican Senators, whose election bases are composed of a majority of apathetic non-racist American Whites and 2 of the 10 Portman and Burr are retiring so, therefore, have nothing to lose politically, would join the 50 Democratic Senators at the drop of a hat in restoring the Voting Rights Act and guaranteeing that every vote legally cast is counted regardless of who or what the vote is cast for:
Sen. Mitt Romney
Sen. Susan Collins
Sen. Lisa Murkowski
Sen. Bill Cassidy
Sen. Rob Portman
Sen. Jerry Moran
Sen. Shelly Moore Capito
Sen. Todd Young
Sen. Ben Sasse
Sen. Richard Burr
Moderate Democrat Senators Manchin and Sinema would drop any opposition to elimination or reform of the filibuster if, their majority non-racist American White constituents expressed fear that their legally cast vote would not be counted. The current bottleneck in the U.S. Senate preventing the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to restore and strengthen the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the For the People Act to expand voting rights for all Americans is due to the apathy of 60% of American Whites. Therefore they, the apathetic 60% of non-racist American Whites, are the greatest domestic threat to America, not white supremacy.
The 10% minority of white supremacists can never be the greatest domestic threat to America as their unsuccessful January 6th insurrection proved. Regrettably, though, they do have enough strength to wreak some havoc and kill life. But fortunately, they will never be powerful enough to be America’s greatest domestic threat, and defeat the 90% of Americans strengthened and united behind the ultimate power principle that all people are created equal, and therefore are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as a right of citizenship. It’s the apathy of 60% of American Whites that makes the 10% white supremacy minority a threat of any degree to American democracy.

Its Americans like this who are willing to sacrifice their precious lives who are the GREATEST PROTECTION for American democracy
It was the strong belief in the big lie of a Joe Biden “stolen election”, by the apathetic 60% of non-racist Republican-voting American Whites, that breathed credible life into the January 6th attempted coup to overthrow American democracy. Their lack of outrage over the Jan. 6th coup attempt indicated a stamp of political correctness and approval to the combined 147 Republican Congresspersons and Senators, who returned to the crime scene, in their respective House and Senate chambers, within hours of the failed coup attempt to vote to overturn the democratic vote that elected Joe Biden President of the United States. The 60% silence and nonchalant attitude when Georgia Republicans passed laws that allow legally cast Georgia votes to be legally not counted, encourages Arizona Republicans to keep their never-ending fraudit of the vote totals from the state’s largest precinct of Arizona black and brown votes going. And to also pass an Arizona law to legalize not counting legally cast Arizona votes.
Based on all the apathy of the 60%, their nonchalant attitude, and their appearance of losing no sleep over legally cast American votes not being counted, one could assume that 60% of American Whites want to bring down American democracy. One would be assuming wrong. Contrary to their apathetic attitude the apathetic 60% are 100% committed to maintaining American democracy. Unfortunately, they have been lulled into a false sense of security that their vote will always be counted since their fellow Republicans control who counts the votes and what votes are counted.
The false secure belief that Republican American white votes will always be counted, encourages the apathetic 60% to be spiritually acquiescent with the fact that although their votes will always be counted, votes by certain others may legally no longer be counted. This spiritual acquiesce makes the apathetic 60% human enablers of vote theft and voting discrimination and the greatest domestic threat to American democracy.

If Republican apathetic non-racist American Whites don’t stop selfishly thinking only of their democratic freedom to vote and having only their Republican voice heard and join with Democrats to pass laws that guarantee that all legally cast votes in America will be counted, American democracy will be turned upside down and die!!!
The apathetic 60% must stop selfishly thinking only of their democratic freedom to vote and having only their Republican voice heard, by heeding the following paraphrased words of the German OG theologian Martin Niemöller, whose original words reflected his wisdom on the Hitler-plagued times in which he lived.
1st The Republicans stopped counting the legally cast votes of urban American Blacks and the apathetic 60% of non-racist American Whites who voted Republican said and did nothing because they aren’t black and many don’t live in the city
2nd The Republicans stopped counting the legally cast votes of suburban American Hispanics and American Asians and the apathetic 60% of non-racist American Whites who voted Republican said and did nothing because they aren’t Hispanic or Asian and many don’t live in the suburbs
3rd The Republicans stopped counting the legally cast votes of the 40% of American Whites and all other Americans who voted for Democrats and the apathetic 60% of non-racist American Whites who voted Republican said and did nothing because none of them ever intend to vote for a Democrat
Finally, a new group of people appeared and stopped the counting of the legally cast votes of the apathetic 60% of non-racist American Whites and all other Americans who voted for Republicans and then unfortunately to the demise of the greatest democracy to ever exist in human history, the United States of America, there were no more small d democrats left to stop the new rule of American AUTOCRATS!!!
Shylock Schittlipz
“FBI Is Wrong White Supremacy Is Not America’s Greatest Domestic Threat”
The rest of this article is complete nonsense that you’d have to be schizophrenic to believe.
Brian Sicknick was a hero,but all cops are b*stards. America is racist and white supremacist but for some reason we have to save this system from racist white supremacists who are attacking it. Most white people (who are the majority of voters) voted for Trump instead of violently installing him into power,but somehow this is a threat to brown voters’ enfranchisement.
You people on the left are literally insane.
There is one group- ONLY ONE GROUP- in America that pays taxes to the government and gets 0 policies that they’d like enacted and which they vote for every single time you can vote for anything and that is White American racists. Even illegal aliens get amnesties and policies where they get to ride airplanes and buses without producing ID like the rest of us but the government has literally declared White tax-paying Americans enemies of the state and is actively setting them up in FBI entrapment schemes literally for their beliefs and no other reason.
Everyone knows this is happening and no one can do anything about it because blacks and browns continue whining for more and more and the government is happy to keep giving it to them at the expense of White people,their taxpayer dollars,their property,their rights and even their lives.
White people have been anything but apathetic. Black and brown people in America live better than European kings did in times past and it’s still not good enough for you. You don’t actually need any of the things our government gives you,you just want it to give you these things so White people don’t have them.
Seats in government. Free housing. Voting rights. Hate crimes protection.
The best thing that a White man can give you is advice:
Shut your boot lips and quit whining,Sambo.
Please. You want to talk about actual rebellions and inserructions and you focus on a 4 hour affair that involved no firearms and one fatality (a rioter).
Meanwhile you ignore months of “autonomous zones” (certainly sounds like openly declared rebellion) that expelled state, local and federal authorities. One major political party supported and allowed these rebellions to occur, with our current vice-president actually schilling for money to bail out the perpetrators from jail.
Yet, because of the color of many of the faces seen during those few hours, your racism jumps to, “white nationalism,” gas lighting the American people to ignore months of violence and focus on scary white people.
Seriously, this is ridiculous. I actively have been avoiding our regional major metropolitan area because I don’t want to be car jacked. “White nationalists,” are not responsible for this present increase in crime. Keep trying to convince people they are.