The big lie about the November 2020 national election caused the unsuccessful January 2021 Capitol Hill insurrection to overthrow the results of the 2020 election, as well as the recent spate of vote theft and voter suppression laws being passed by state legislatures across America. But before there was the big lie of vote fraud in 2020 there was the ultimate big lie that has led America down the wrong path for the last 40 years. Now fortunately President Joe Biden is course-correcting America back to the right path and saving all Americans from the harm and insanity of America’s ultimate big lie.
Donald Trump tilled the soil during his 2020 presidential campaign and successfully harvested after his defeat the big lie of a stolen election victory. After several hand recounts of literally every vote cast in several states like Georgia all objective thinking people, most American people of color, and all Democrats know that 7 million more people legitimately voted for Joe Biden than Trump. Unfortunately, after several hand recounts of literally every vote cast in several states like Georgia all people unhappy with the election results, a majority of American Whites, and all Republicans believe the big lie that fraud gave President Biden 7 million more votes than Trump.
The hallucination of the big lie is so strong that even after America’s local, state, and federal courts, all 50 state election officials, and the U.S. House and Senate have verified the election to be legitimate Republicans refuse to accept the reality that Donald Trump lost the election by a whopping 7 million votes. In Arizona, the Republican-controlled state Senate is currently conducting a recount of the county with the largest population of American Black and Brown voting citizens, in the vain attempt to make the big lie truth.

Unfortunately Donald Trump is trying to use this principle to overturn the results of the fraud-less one person one vote democratic 2020 national election that he loss by 7 million votes
This current harm to American democracy by the big lie pales in comparison to the toxicity the ultimate big lie has contaminated American democracy with, for the last 40 years. 40 years ago, then-President Ronald Reagan changed the course of American governance with a political and philosophical LIE, the ultimate big lie, when he proclaimed to America during his first State of the Union address “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” The ultimate big lie that the federal government is the root of all evil in America, became the new operating principle to mask the hidden agenda of 3 categories of Americans that formed an alliance 40 years ago that remains intact today.
The ultimate big lie diverted America off the course of balanced budgets and pay-as-you-go, to deficit spending and America no longer being just the largest lending country to the world but now also the largest borrower and debt-ridden country in the world. It created a new false reality that America’s government was no longer the ultimate protector of a citizen’s rights, but now the greatest usurper of a citizen’s rights.
Since the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 which led to the creation of the Food and Drug Administration, the break-up of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company financial monopoly, the economic relief provided during America’s Great Depression, protection from Japan and Germany during World War 2, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) which enabled middle and lower economic class Americans to buy their first home, the G.I. Bill which provided World War 2 veterans with low-cost mortgages to buy a home, low-interest loans to start a business or farm, one year of unemployment compensation, and dedicated payments of tuition and living expenses to attend high school, college, or vocational school, and the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 which funded the construction of a national highway road system that connected the entire contiguous United States, American Whites had always trusted the federal government to always act in their best interest.
American White’s trust in the federal government to act in their best interest peaked at 77% in 1964, the same year the Civil Rights Act became the law of the land in the United States. The fact that American Whites began to lose trust in the federal government in the same year that the Civil Rights Act became law is no coincidence. The 1964 Republican presidential nominee, U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, expressed the sentiment of many American Whites on the Civil Rights Act by proclaiming on the U.S. Senate floor that he would vote against it. Goldwater said he resented the law requiring American Whites to treat American Blacks equally in public accommodations and employment practices.
Goldwater said during his Senate floor speech to condemn the Civil Rights Act that to meet the Act’s goal of preventing race discrimination in America the law would “require for their effective execution the creation of a police state.” In other words, the Civil Rights Act was the first time American Whites were required by the American federal government to do things that they felt were not a direct benefit to them. Things like the federal government requiring public school systems across America to integrate their classrooms with both white and black students, and the affirmative action programs that required businesses to hire American Blacks.
The federal government’s loss of American Whites’ trust that began in 1964 became the Republican Party’s gain. In 1964 hours after then-President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law, he said to his press aide, Bill Moyers, “I think we just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come.” Before 1964 the Republican Party was composed of mostly small businesses and large corporations who NEVER trusted federal government regulation.
After 1964 Republicans welcomed into their ranks working-class American Whites eager to turn their backs on the same federal government that made their new political partners pay American Whites a minimum wage for an 8-hour workday, and made corporations accept labor representation that negotiated health and pension benefits for working-class Americans that did not exist until the federal government forced the issue.
According to the Pew Research Center, American Whites’ distrust of the federal government grew each year after 1964. In 1964 77% of American Whites trusted the government. The distrust bottomed out on October 15, 1980, with only 25% of American Whites still trusting the federal government. Less than a month later on November 7, 1980, American Whites’ trust in government almost doubled rising to 40%. November 7th was 4 days after Ronald Reagan won his campaign for President of the United States by telling Americans the ultimate big lie, that the American government was not the solution to any problem in their life but is the source of all their problems in life.
Today’s Republican Party is composed of 3 factions that all have one thing in common, a resentment of government regulation. The 3 factions are:
1) Small businesses and corporations who resent government regulations that force them to put the health and safety of their employees and consumers of their services or product ahead of their bottom line profits
2) American Whites who resent government regulations that mandate racial equality that they feel negatively impact their culture or way of life
3) Religious conservatives who resent government regulations that require a women’s right to choose an abortion to be protected
To assure that eventually no government power or authority existed to prevent the advancement of their individual agendas, the 3 factions have united to advance the ultimate big lie that government is the problem because it’s a usurper of rights. Reagan started his political Republican career by giving an endorsement speech in 1964 for Sen. Goldwater’s presidential campaign. By 1980 Reagan was Goldwater’s philosophical heir and successfully did what Goldwater was unable to, by establishing belief in the ultimate big lie that government was the source of all evil usurping citizens’ rights.
40 years of Republicans constantly repeating the ultimate big lie that government was the problem, not the solution, paved the way and made possible Trump’s big lie of a stolen 2020 election victory. 40 years of the ultimate big lie produced the thousands of rioters who stormed the nation’s capital on January 6th to overturn a legal, fraud-less, and democratic one person one vote election because they falsely believed that the federal government was usurping Trump’s election victory.
The Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic proved federal government leadership is a must!!! When Joe Biden was sworn in as President on January 20th 2,812 people were dying every day from the virus with no end in sight. 2 months after President Biden’s game-changing leadership the average daily death rate dropped by over 50% to 839 deaths per day.
President Biden’s game-changing federal government leadership in fighting the virus war versus the no government leadership Trump provided as President, proves the insanity of the ultimate big lie and the truthfulness of the fact that to solve any problem of consequence in American society, at a minimum government must be a part of the solution and at a maximum, as is the case with America’s coronavirus war government is the only and total solution!!!
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