President Trump’s firing of James Comey and the revelation that Comey wrote a memo stating possible Presidential interference in an investigation, has the media and Democrats claiming Watergate history is repeating itself. As with Watergate a Special Counsel, former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been appointed to conduct a where ever the facts lead investigation. But there is one thing that was happening during Watergate that unfortunately to America’s detriment is not happening now.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s decision to appoint Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to head the Russia investigation is a relief to many. His sterling record as the second longest serving FBI Director and his just the facts mam reputation assure everyone of a non-political investigation, but as Senator Susan Collins stated this morning on Morning Joe there’s a crucial thing that happened during Watergate that’s not happening now.

Senator Susan Collins
Senator Collins said that the Watergate hearings as important as they were “did not stop everything, other things still got done unlike now everything has stopped”. Senator Collins raises an important point if history is repeating itself Mueller’s Russia investigation could take several months to a year to complete.
Meantime there are immediate issues that need to be addressed that are receiving little to no attention in the media or by elected officials. It’s in America’s interest that everything does not stop.
Premiums and deductibles have not stop rising and will not until healthcare issues have been addressed. Tax reform will not magically occur and our economy can’t be provide enough 21st century jobs until we have a new tax code. These two issues have an immediate and direct effect on all Americans.
As important as is for us to know what Russia did in its attempt to influence our election, it’s more important to have a healthcare law that guarantees every American access to the healthcare they need. As important as it is to find out if the President Trump is guilty of Watergate type crimes, it’s equally important that we have a new tax code that addresses the deficit and fosters a 21st century economy.
Now that Robert Mueller has been appointed to right the wrongs of the past, everyone should now refocus to right the wrongs of the present and future.